Strategy and Alignment


Do you really have a strategy for your business?  Can your employees, customers, suppliers, and shareholders articulate unique elements of your strategy?  Do they understand how your strategy impacts their roles?  Does your strategy give you advantages or unique niches that translate into success?  Can your competitors easily replicate your strategy?   Are your resources aligned to maximize successful execution of your strategy?


There is no “silver bullet” for strategy.  But “strategy” is much more than just a buzzword.  Strategy is not something that you can simply outsource or have someone else create for you.  But strategy and its alignment with every aspect of your business is vital. 


Business strategy has to be created and led by your management team.  Our role is not to deliver a strategy that works for anyone.  Our role is to help you develop and execute a strategy that works for your company.  Our methodologies and tools can help your leadership team frame strategies, and address critical issues.  We offer fresh perspectives as they relate to your business and the environment in which you compete every day.  


With strategy comes the need for strategic alignment.  Is there evidence, as you observe the actions of each employee, department and division that your strategy is working?  We can help assess strategic alignment, so every constituency consistently applies your strategy in the way they operate and interact with others.  Through our partnership, you and your management team will have a framework with which to measure your actions and direction.  The bottom line: a clearly defined strategy that provides competitive advantage, and the alignment of your resources and constituencies with that strategy, vastly enhances opportunities for superior financial results.

Strategy can be addressed from different perspectives depending on what you are trying to accomplish.   Generally strategy begins with an understanding of your customers and potential customers.  We need to understand who your customers are, how they are segmented, and why each customer segment benefits from your organization.  Some businesses are focused on operational efficiencies such as reducing cost, cotting overhead, and resturcturing to become a leaner organization.  Even if it is not central to the business, cost savings and revenue growth are typically used to help fund organizational change.