Business Performance Consulting


As a key member of the organization’s leadership team, it’s one thing to operate your business.  But sometimes you need someone from outside the organization to provide a fresh perspective. Just because it is hard, and has not been done before, does not mean it cannot be done.

Your employees provide important skills, knowledge and perceptions.  But the realities of capacity restrictions, coupled with closeness to daily operations, often preclude the insights necessary to zero in on critical issues and facilitate corrective actions.  The missing ingredients center upon providing resources and a consulting relationship developed to produce results.  


We approach business performance from the standpoint of deep experience in multiple performance-related disciplines.  By providing resources without adding costly layers of expertise internally, your organization receives fresh perspectives, and the benefits of our experience in partnership with the experience your team provides.  Hawkshurst delivers an effective sounding board in evaluation of your business issues.  

Sales and marketing functions tend to change incrementally.  Sales people have a critical role in generating revenue, but there may be opportunities to improve customer relationships, grow market share, increase share of wallet, or target improvements from unprofitable relationships.  Successful changes in sales activities can be particularly hard to implement but implementation is critical. 

Marketing organizations have probably gone through more change in the past 10 years than any other part of your organization.  How marketing departments support your organization, and how success is measured have changed dramatically.  We have reduced emphasis on print in favor of electronic communications.  Email has flooded inboxes with with a mixture of important messages and spam.  And social media has many forms that are either the greatest thing on earth or the latest fad.  How do you know where to invest? How do you prioritize? How do you evaluate your success?
Our business performance assignments vary widely and, by definition, do not have a single approach or methodology.  Every assignment is unique.  We can provide resources and management to supplement your business. We can focus on a single project. Or we can research and diagnose an issue.  In every assignment, we will apply your existing resources and professional support to maximize continuity and keep costs down. 

The success of any consulting engagement is measured in results.  Part of a successful solution is to use data to support or refute business assumptions.  And upon completion, you want to have data to measure progress, take additional corrective actions, and recognize success.  Hawkshurst provides the organizational client with a virtual template set against a deliverables inventory developed upon initiation of any assignment.  The template affords benchmarks, progress and engagement finalization parameters that are realistic, simple to interpret, and useful in tracking progress during the post-engagement period.